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Frequently Asked Questions

Infrared Sauna

How does infrared sauna work?

From a medical or a biomedical point of view, the infrared light will penetrate into the subcutaneous tissue.  This is important because in the subcutaneous tissue and around it is a giant network of capillary vessels and arterial vessels, that is , there is a lot of circulatory blood going thru so the red light is going to have access to that.  The infrared wavelengths will also have access from the skin all the way to the subcutaneous tissue where the cells of our immune system are.  So, these are our first responders.   The infrared wavelengths also have access to the subcutaneous fat.  


The benefits being the metabolic influence on the cells, as well as the amount of blood circulating increased, plus your immune blood cells being accessed.  


So what is the benefit for your cells you ask?   Well, once the infrared light gets to the mitochondria inside your cells, the first thing is the light will directly turn up the energy inside of your cells.  This is achieved by affecting the rate at which oxidative phosphorylation goes thru your mitochondria.   Basically, your cellular respiration is going to speed up.   This decreases the free radical buildup and the oxidated formation.   


This in turn frees up the cells to build up more healing capacity because if you have a sick cell running slowly it cannot heal.  


​What not to do in an infrared sauna?

The use of drugs, medication or alcohol prior to or during the infrared sauna session may lead to dizziness or unconsciousness.


Does infrared sauna really burn fat?

By increasing your metabolism and helping you burn calories, it can help you lose weight and burn fat more effectively. However, it's important to note that using an infrared sauna alone is not likely to result in significant weight loss.


How soon should you shower after infrared sauna?

Recommend waiting 30 minutes after your sauna session to shower. Your body may continue to sweat for 30 minutes after a sauna session, if you can, it is best to wait until your body returns to its normal temperature. Embrace the sweat!


Is it bad to take your phone into the infrared sauna?

The longer the room temperature stays above 35 degrees Celsius, the more (permanent) damage will be done. Also, remember that infrared saunas achieve heat intensities of 45-60 degrees Celsius (113 - 140 F). With those temperatures, you'll be killing your phone over time.


Why do I feel worse after infrared sauna?

During an infrared sauna session, your body temperature rises, and you sweat. This process helps flush toxins from your body, which can tax your system. You might feel quite exhausted afterward, depending on how much you sweat during your session. You Dehydrate Quickly.


Do you wear clothes in an infrared sauna?

Comfort is Key.  You can wear a swimsuit, gym shorts, or any lightweight, breathable fabric that feels good on your skin. Remember, the goal is to expose as much skin as possible to maximize the absorption of the infrared rays.


Who cannot use infrared sauna?

The use of infrared saunas should be avoided by anyone who is predisposed to bleeding. An individual who has a fever should not use an infrared sauna until the fever subsides. An individual with insensitivity to heat should not use an infrared sauna.


Hydrate yourself

Since you’ll be sweating a lot in the sauna, it’s necessary to hydrate yourself before, during and after the session. Drink a glass of water before entering to prevent dehydration and overheating. It’s also best to bring a bottle of water or sports drink with you so that you can maintain a healthy fluid level throughout the session. At exit drink another glass of water.



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