Low Back Pain is Common
Low back pain tends to be the most common reason people give acupuncture a go and experience it for the first time. The acupuncture needles not only address the pain symptoms but also the underlying issues associated with the back pain.
There are many causes of back pain so treatment may not only involve acupuncture needles, but also heat lamp therapy, moxibustion, cupping and tui-na massage.
Most patients will see a significant improvement in their pain levels and mobility in 2 - 5 treatments. But at the Acupuncture & Wellness clinic in Moorooka, improvement is usually seen within the first treatment.
Causes of Lower Back Pain
Disc problems
Acute trauma
Excessive sitting
Poor posture
Muscle tightness
Excessive twisting or bending
Weak muscles of core, low back, hip and surrounding ligaments
Symptoms of Low Back Pain
Pain from walking, sitting or with certain range of motion
Localised pain in the lower back region
Pain that may shoot down the buttocks, leg and feet
How does Acupuncture Help with Relief of Lower Back Pain
A treatment plan is created to target the muscles and nerves within minutes so you can ultimately begin to heal. Acupuncture helps the healing process by stimulating the body's natural response, by encouraging the body itself, to release anti-inflammatories and pain killers to combat the pain and decrease inflammation at the site of injury. Plus address the underlying issues.
The result being relief of pain, restoring range of motion, and restoring proper muscle tissue and nerve functions.