1. Spring is All About the Liver and Gall Bladder
The Liver and Gall Bladder are at their peak of activity during the spring, making it a perfect time to focus on supporting their function.
The Liver and Gall Bladder work together to move blood and bile, and play pivotal roles in:
Spleen and Lung health—which can affect your immunity and susceptibility to seasonal allergies
The tendons—which can impact flexibility and strength
And your eye health—clear vision moving forward
While there are many ways to support your Liver and Gall Bladder, my advice is to take your cues from the season and take it slow.
2. The Most Healing Springtime Foods
The following are spring-time foods for detoxification, balancing Liver/Gall Bladder Qi, and supporting emotional healing:
Bay leaves
Black sesame seeds
Broccoli Rabe
Coconut milk (not too much)
Green Tea
Mint teas
Sea vegetables
Spring Onions
When cooking/preparing/eating foods in spring (and moving into summer), the focus should be on:
Shorter cooking times
Higher cooking temperatures
This translates into less thoroughly cooked foods, especially the inner part
If cooking with oil, a quick high-temperature sauté method
If cooking with water, light steaming or minimal simmering
Include some more raw foods in your daily intake, but keep it balanced with cooked foods too.
3. The Emotional Side of Spring Cleansing and the Liver/Gall Bladder
Spring is one of the best times of year to make some intentional personal and emotional development progress.
Why? Because the Liver is responsible for the smooth flow of blood and emotions throughout the body. It is also the organ most affected by stagnant emotions and stress. Therefore, Liver stagnation or an overactive Liver can cause some significant emotional build up.
The Gall Bladder is responsible for storing and excreting bile and governs decision making, planning, dreaming, inspiration, and assertiveness.
If you’ve been waiting for the right time and the right back-pressure to inspire an emotional or spiritual breakthrough, take advantage of this spring season.
Best Spring Stress Busters and Emotional Healers
When it comes to emotional balancing, de-stressing, and nourishing your spirit take your cues from the season. For example:
Take advantage of the warmer weather to get outdoors as much as possible (exercise and meditating outdoors is a great way to do this)
Increase your movement—start an exercise program of walking, dancing, Qi Gong, Tai chi, yoga, running, swimming, etc.
Get your hands dirty and start an herb or vegetable garden
Walk through nature and listen to the birds sing
Spring clean your home
Try something new or an activity that brings you joy
Forgive as much and as often as you can
Do something spontaneous to rev up that sense of adventure
Check things off your to-do list
Enjoy a sauna, steam, or soak to help with detoxification
Get a facial and/or body treatment to slough off that dull, winter skin
Walk barefoot to get grounded and reconnect with the season
To recap:
Focus your attention on your Liver/Gall Bladder channel with respect to diet, stress, and lifestyle
Keep warm and protect yourself from the wind. A light coat and scarf will do the trick
Focus on of green, sour, and seasonal foods to help support Liver/Gall Bladder health
Allow your awareness to be on being emotionally flexible
Schedule an appointment and take advantage of the Spring Special at Acupuncture & Wellness in Moorooka with : 5 consecutive weeks of acupuncture treatments, and receive your 6th treatment free.
Spring cleaning really does start from within.
Wishing you a joyful spring season of renewal and possibilities.
Kind Regards,