More and more people have been diagnosed as having chronic fatigue syndrome. Western drugs used for this syndrome is often associated with some side-effects and little clinical benefits.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), both in the clinic plus evidence based upon recent studies, have shown this method of treatment to be beneficial to those with such a condition.
The symptoms experienced by a person with chronic fatigue include:
a sense of heaviness
cold knees
joint pain and muscle pain
In TCM the reasons for these symptoms are induced by deficiencies in the five organs (including qi, blood, yin and yang deficiencies) caused by an external pathogen, excessive physical strain (manual labour, mental labour), abnormal emotional states (elation, anger, worry, anxiety, sorrow, fear and terror) or an improper diet.
Fatigue is often associated with weakness in the spleen and kidney. In TCM, the spleen is responsible for nutrition and metabolism while the kidney is in charge the inmate essence and growth. If there is an imbalance in the human body, the body is more prone to illnesses and attacks.
Fighting Fatigue with Traditional Chinese Medicine
In clinic, we address these weakened organs via herbal remedies and acupuncture.
Besides taking TCM herbs, which are prescribed by the Acupuncturist, a boost in certain vitamins and minerals can also help increase energy levels:
Vitamin B12: helps increase energy level and lift concentration and mood
Vitamin D: a lack of this vitamin, which aids metabolism, cold lead to low energy, poor quality sleep and mood swings
Magnesium: vital for adrenal glands, the poor functioning of which could lead to fatigue.
Diet and rest are also crucial to heal. Negative inputs of alcohol and cigarettes are discouraged. As is reducing sugar intake, and consuming fewer to no cold or processed foods as these can all cause tiredness. To help replenish energy and combat fatigue, eat and drink warm, nourishing foods and beverages.
When the mildest exertion can be exhausting, it is vital to establish and maintain regular physical activity. A short 15 minute walk outdoors will help get the blood pumping, and exposure to sunlight is crucial for getting Vitamin D to boost immune function.
Prognosis is dependant on the TCM diagnosis. Most patients treated can get rid of chronic fatigue syndrome in 2-3 months. Although certain conditions may respond slower to treatment. A regular program of at least 3 months is needed, followed by periodic visits until all of the symptoms are gone. In the first few treatments, I have found the symptoms have improved by 75%.
Herbs are also compulsory to take as they have been shown to be very helpful for CFS.